Archetypal Consulting

Every day you make archetypal assessments without even knowing it. You roll your eyes at the office Clown or painfully feel the sting of the Saboteur when you’re late for an appointment.

Archetypal readings help you identify the patterns and stories of your life. In reviewing your gifts and challenges, we can determine your twelve unique archetypes that guide you on the path of healing. Tapping into the energy of the archetypes, we can work together to discern their purpose in your work, relationships, self-expression, and your spiritual life. This work brings your shadow into conscious awareness, allowing you to explore and experience the power of your light.

To observe your life more symbolically frees you from limiting patterns of the past. Knowing your archetypal influences helps you see life patterns clearly and objectively, as if through the eyes of another.

Patricia completed a two-year program in the study of Sacred Contracts and archetypes with renowned author and medical intuitive Caroline Myss and was a member of the first graduating class of CMED Institute in Chicago, Illinois. For more about the CMED Institute visit:


“Archetypes are your energy guides to your highest potential.”

Caroline Myss